Manoir is a 2021 HAVAN Awards Finalist!
T. Jones Group drastically transformed this Palm Springs-inspired Villa while upholding its architectural integrity to bring this home into the modern day.
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"Jeffs Residences, on Charles Street just off Commercial Drive] was a large old
house that was built in the 1900's, it happened to be sitting on a large site that was
quite under utilized relative to what you could build on the site ... Under the zoning
on the site you could have demolished everything and built 10 duplexes. But /
looked at it and I thought that first, there was this grand old house that had been
kind of butchered but still retained the essential fabric and form of the original
house, and there was an opportunity here with this under utilized site. I thought
maybe there was an opportunity to add some different forms of housing through a
Heritage Revitalization Agreement which was a policy tool the City had to
encourage Heritage Retention"
Icon is proud to announce that our project, Manoir, is a 2021 HAVAN Awards Finalist for Best Marketing Campaign.The HAVAN Awards for Housing Excellence is a local premier awards program that recognizes the best new home design, renovation, and construction professionals in Metro Vancouver. This has been a successful awards season for Icon, as in January Manoir was also chosen as 2021 Georgie Awards Finalist.Inspired by the European stately homes of the past, Manoir is a collection of 12 duplex and triplex townhomes. The multi-family community boldly reinterprets elegant French architecture with contemporary interiors in the Woodwards neighbourhood of Richmond.

Despite being released during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Manoir sold out faster than our anticipated timeline. This is a reflection of our effective and multifaceted marketing campaign that included a We-Chat mini-program, a real estate industry first. In mid-March 2020 when COVID lockdowns began, a selling message no longer felt right or appropriate. We wanted to do something for the community. As such, we shifted our campaign and raised over $55,000 for the Richmond Hospital Foundation. None of this would have been possible without our dedicated team and who worked tirelessly to ensure the success of Manoir. We also want to highlight and congratulate our business partners, VictorEric Design Group and T. Jones Group, who are 2021 HAVAN Awards Finalists as well. VictorEric, was chosen as a Finalist in two categories: Best Custom Home ($1.5 million to $2 million) and Best Renovated Space. T. Jones Group is a Finalist for Best Renovation ($700,000 to $1 Million) for their Mid-Century Villa, a property that Icon represents.

Congratulations to all the finalists, we look forward to winners being announced on June 19th at the virtual gala.