Event Spotlight: Manoir Sales Gallery Grand Opening
T. Jones Group drastically transformed this Palm Springs-inspired Villa while upholding its architectural integrity to bring this home into the modern day.
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"Jeffs Residences, on Charles Street just off Commercial Drive] was a large old
house that was built in the 1900's, it happened to be sitting on a large site that was
quite under utilized relative to what you could build on the site ... Under the zoning
on the site you could have demolished everything and built 10 duplexes. But /
looked at it and I thought that first, there was this grand old house that had been
kind of butchered but still retained the essential fabric and form of the original
house, and there was an opportunity here with this under utilized site. I thought
maybe there was an opportunity to add some different forms of housing through a
Heritage Revitalization Agreement which was a policy tool the City had to
encourage Heritage Retention"

MANOIR is a collection of 12 duplex and triplex townhomes located within the Woodwards neighbourhood in West Richmond. The three- to four-bedroom homes, ranging from 1,400 to 2,100 square feet, boldly re-interpret elegant French architecture with contemporary interiors. Each residence is designed with lavish living spaces, a rare side-by-side, double parking arrangement, and generous landscaped yards to complement your growing family.