Daily Hive
These Are The 20 Most Expensive Homes In Canada
These Are The 20 Most Expensive Homes In Canada
T. Jones Group drastically transformed this Palm Springs-inspired Villa while upholding its architectural integrity to bring this home into the modern day.
T. Jones Group drastically transformed this Palm Springs-inspired Villa while upholding its architectural integrity to bring this home into the modern day.
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4670 Connaught Drive, Vancouver, BC – $23,988,800

This Georgian-style 9,723 sq.ft. mansion sits on a luxury, tree-lined estate covering more than 16,080 sq.ft., with five bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a waterfall, and ceiling mural.
Address: 4670 Connaught Drive, Vancouver
Listing agent: Juliette Zhang at Macdonald Realty Westmar and Crystal Hung at Icon Marketing Inc.
Published By: Daily Hive
Link To Article:http://dailyhive.com/vancouver/these-are-the-20-most-expensive-homes-in-canada-photos-video